happy to be here.

For years, I worked as a marketing director for EdTech and E-Commerce startups, owning all copy, content, and strategy, running teams of media buyers, designers, and social media managers. I’m still proud of this work, and you can check out my portfolio here.

It was heaven until it was hell. I took time off.

In January 2023, I met Alex Dobrenko of Both Are True, a top 10 humor newsletter on Substack. We hit it off, and he became my first client.

I had no idea what would happen next, but it turned out I was well-suited to the job and Alex liked working with me. So, word spread. And spread further. I’m writing this 18 months later and I’ve worked with over 50th Substackers from ten countries.

I still can’t really believe I’m here, but I can tell you how happy it makes me. I would trade the startup hustle (and salary, sigh) for this work any day of the week. There’s that Rick Rubin quote where he says it’s “the confidence I have in my taste and my ability to express what I feel” that’s “proven helpful for artists.”

I think that’s sorta true for me with writers. I do not have all the answers, I don’t even have a lot of ‘em. But somehow, there is flow. Somehow, something is working. I trust my taste, I trust my ideas, and I trust that together we can take your work somewhere new. (It’s not all vibes, I guess I should mention that at some point! I do write and have a degree in communications & writing, and I’ve helped build 9-figure-revenue brands from scratch. So it’s more like vibes + experience. Either way, your girl is just so happy to be here. Truly. Okay here’s a dog photo for making it to the end of this section:)

a real bio, I guess?

You might recognize Erin Shetron from her popular interview with Amanda Hinton, her too-personal-to-not-be-helpful life advice on Notes, or mentioned in Substack circles as “someone I hired for newsletter guidance because Alex Dobrenko called her a Substack whisperer??” Her official title is something like: Producer, Growth Strategist, and Editor.

With a background in creative nonfiction and poetry along with years as a marketing director, she now helps writers and entrepreneurs produce their best, most impactful work while honoring their creativity and wellbeing.

Erin enjoys walking her elderly dog, kick chalking her pool cue, reading fantasy novels, dreaming about the feminine economy, and espousing the benefits of radical, unabashed, loving honesty. A Philadelphia native and proud Temple University alumna, she now lives in Oregon with her boyfriend and dog, who you may hear snoring in the background of your calls (the dog, not the boyfriend).

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